Responsible Tourism

Croeso cynnes.
A warm welcome.

River Selont
River Selont

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism places equal importance on the following issues:

  • Social and Cultural 

  • Economic 

  • Environmental.

Responsible Tourism is much more than "eco or green" tourism as it must consider the needs and quality of life of the local community, enhance and respect cultural and local traditions, contribute to local economic prosperity as well as enhance or at least minimise damage to the environment. 

Celticos Responsible Tourism Policy

We aim to:

  • Ensure that our clients benefit from our policy, enhancing the touring experience 

  • Promote local products such as food and quality crafts and ensure a value-for-money offering for our customers

  • Develop long-term working relationships with local suppliers 

  • Introduce our customers to the Welsh local community life

  • Encourage our customers to speak Welsh - if only a few phrases

  • Promote out of season winter tours to extend the holiday season

  • Ensure no littering or damage occurs while touring

  • Support local environmental projects 

  • Use modern vehicles that produce less damaging emissions 

We review our Responsible Tourism policy every 12 months.


Celticos Tours

Ready to start planning your perfect tour of Wales?

We will help you plan an experience to remember. Our tours are designed just for you and no-one else will be joining in!

Our tour booking co-ordinator is ready to assist you in creating your perfect custom built tour of beautiful Wales.

Alternatively email us at info@.